6121 Paseo Del Norte, Ste 100
Carlsbad, CA 92011
(760) 448-2488
Mon - Fri, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Patient Resources
We are here to serve you, and want your surgical experience to be as comfortable as possible. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our staff at (760) 448-2488.
Pre-operative Testing
Many patients are required to have tests prior to surgery. You will receive instructions and orders for pre-operative testing from your surgeon. Tests may include:
Laboratory work (within four weeks of your scheduled surgery date)
EKG (within three months)
Chest X-ray (within six months)
Please have all test results faxed to Carlsbad Surgery Center at (760) 448-2478 prior to the date of your surgery.
Preparing for your surgery
Food or liquid in your stomach may cause your surgery to be postponed or cancelled. Please follow these guidelines:
Have a light dinner and limit alcohol intake the evening prior to your surgery
Cessation of smoking 24 hours prior to surgery is recommended as beneficial to your post-operative recovery
Arrive at the center one hour prior to your scheduled surgery time, unless instructed otherwise by surgery center personnel.
If possible remain at a phone where you can be reached on the day of surgery.
Bring any orders from your doctor, X-rays or other items to be used at the center.
A consent form will be signed upon your arrival. If a patient is under the age of 18, the consent must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Parents must remain at the center until their child is discharged.
If you are a conservator for a patient, please bring copies of your medical power of attorney.
Once you have been registered, you will be admitted to the pre-operative area where you will be prepared for surgery by a nurse and assessed by an anesthesiologist.
Since we have limited space in our reception area, we ask that only one family member or friend accompany you. Please leave young children and siblings at home.
How to Dress
Remove contact lenses. Do wear your glasses and bring a case for storage while you are in surgery. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and low-heeled shoes. A gown will be provided during your stay at the center. All jewelry, including watches and body jewelry should be removed and left at home.
After Your Surgery
Most patients remain in the post-anesthesia care unit for at least one hour after completion of surgery. You will not be able to drive. A responsible adult must be available to drive you home approximately one hour after your surgery. You will not be allowed to return home without a responsible adult.
Post-op Restrictions
If you are having an anesthetic, you should plan to have a responsible adult family member or friend remain with you the first 24 hours following surgery.
You may feel dizzy or drowsy after your surgery. For your comfort and safety, do not drive or drink alcoholic beverages for the rest of the day. You will receive post-operative instructions from your doctor prior to leaving the center. Follow these instructions carefully. If you have problems after returning home, call your doctor’s office.
A nurse from Carlsbad Surgery Center will contact you at home to check on you condition. If there is an emergency DO NOT wait for the nurse to contact you! Call 911 or drive to the nearest emergency room.
Limit activities for a few days after your procedure. Consult with your physician prior to returning to work and resuming normal activities
Insurance verification and surgery authorization must be completed prior to the date of your surgery to avoid cancellation.
Should you have a co-pay or unpaid portion of your deductible, you will be contacted by our billing office prior to your surgery.
Co-payments and deductibles are the patient’s responsibility and are due in full prior to surgery. On the day of surgery, please bring in your method of payment (cash, check or credit card). The center accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
As a courtesy to our patients, our business office will bill your primary and secondary insurance carriers if you have provided us with the appropriate insurance information. Please bring your insurance identification card and drivers license to insure that we have the correct information.
You or your insurance carrier will receive bills from Carlsbad Surgery Center, your surgeon, your anesthesiologist, the lab (if blood was drawn or a tissue specimen was removed for evaluation)